COVID-19 Office Announcement

Hello from Suburban Dental! Currently, our office is closed for all routine and non-emergency appointments. We’re still available for all emergency appointments Monday-Friday 10am -2pm. As of now, the tentative date for the office reopening is April 30. We will begin rescheduling appointments starting May 1st. If there are any updates to this, we will be sure to let you know.

Since we may not see you for a little while, it’s important to keep up your oral health routine! We recommend that you use mouthwash in addition to brushing and flossing daily. If you aren’t sure which mouthwash to use, we suggest an ADA accepted labeled antiseptic mouthwash (e.g. Listerine).

While not in the office our team is keeping busy and active by reading, yoga, and arts and crafts. This time in our society is stressful for all of us with so many unknowns but it’s important to make sure you get enough rest and maintain a healthy diet to keep your immune system strong. What are you doing to keep yourself active?

At Suburban Dental, we are dedicated to our patient's and employees’ health and safety and will continue to provide optimal care to all once we are back in the office. If you are looking for more information about staying healthy right now read the CDC website to stay informed and updated on the facts of COVID-19.
We hope to see all our wonderful patients again soon!